I hated The Catcher in the Rye.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Word of the Week

Pronunciation: \ˈtüth-səm\
Function: adjective

1. Agreeable; Attractive
2. of palatable flavor and pleasing texture : delicious

The apple fritter at Voodoo Donuts is quite toothsome to me.

*I saw this word on my college roommate's blog--we were both word nerds and had a word of the week wall that we loved to fill with quirky words. She inspired me to start the tradition again.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go with the motivation! Love that you are going to be exploring writing every week - very impressive. BTW: I love My Antonia. Willa Cather has a book with a main character named Lucy - I want to read that one.
