I hated The Catcher in the Rye.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I hated The Catcher in the Rye

I remember my 11th grade English class very well.

Mrs. Druse labored all year to see us connect with the literature we read.

I remember writing a tongue-in-cheek paper about reading too much into the author's meaning.

I remember the term "platonic conception" being used ad nauseum to describe the chraracter Daisy in The Great Gatsby.
I remember being a little disturbed by The Scarlet Letter.
I remember writing another tongue-in-cheek paper about why the American public education system was "stupid" compared to it's European counterpart. (I think I was just angry that I had to take Advanced Algebra.)
I remember listening to a girl from South Africa read the part of Abigail Williams in The Crucible in a very thick English accent--and spitting every time she tried to add dramatic flare to her lines.
I remember reading the SparkNotes for The Grapes of Wrath.

But more than anything I remember hating The Cather in the Rye.

I hated Holden Caulfield and his "woe is me" attitude.
I hated the way he used The Savior's name in every other sentence.
I hated his constant description of himself as "yellow."

Mostly though, I hated the way I felt after I read it.
I hated that it made me hate.

As soon as I closed the book I began seeing the world as Holden saw it.
And I did not like what I saw--everything was fodder for criticism.

We had a long class discussion when we had all finished the book.
It was peppered with comments like "I loved this book" and "Holden is so funny."
The entire time I seethed with disgust for my fellow classmates.
So much so that my heart raced and my face was flush as I planned what I would say.
I raised my hand and proceeded to give a scathing monologue detailing why this book was literary trash.
I'm sure I was not quite so articulate at the time.
It was probably closer to rambling.
But allow me to remember it as a scathing monologue.

I was passionate like I had never seen myself before.
You might say (if you were looking to find a moral in this story) that for the first time I felt the power of the written word.
I vowed then and there that I, unlike J.D. Salinger, would not be a part of polluting the world with written smut.

And so it is with that same passion that I have decided to start a blog dedicated to writing.
Because I believe in writing about the things that are virtuous, lovely and of good report in this world.
And because sometimes a girl's just got to write what she feels.

So here it is world.
My tiny attempt at ridding the world of written smut--and probably closer to the truth (and not nearly as noble), my attempt at sharpening my writing skills in preparation for my Master's in English Education.


  1. Then don't read Catch 22 (which happens to be one of my favorite books... but don't hate me for it).

  2. OK, you don't know me, I can't even remember how I got to your blog, lol. I'm sick and just clicking away through blogs.

    But, I HATED THAT BOOK,TOO!!! My daughter is 13, if they make her read that in HS, I'll pitch a huge fit.

    My friends mostly liked it, I was the oddball. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who thought it was complete trash.

    You're a good writer, btw! Keep it up!
